Special Guest: Juan Valdes - Reasons For Hope I BBB ...

Brains, Bibles, and Beyond! Podcast - Special Guest Juan Valdes from Reasons for Hope Join us in this enlightening episode of "Brains, Bibles, and Beyond!" as we welcome Juan Valdes, a dynamic speaker from Reasons for Hope, for an engaging and thought-provoking conversation. In this episode, we delve into the fascinating intersection of faith, reason, and science, exploring how the Bible and modern knowledge can coexist harmoniously. Juan Valdes brings his wealth of experience and passion for apologetics to the table, shedding light on challenging questions and deepening our understanding of hope, purpose, and truth.Whether you're a believer, a skeptic, or somewhere in between, this episode promises to provide insightful perspectives and stimulating discussions that you won't want to miss.www.thinklikechrist.orgwww.brainsandbibles.comwww.rforh.com